Saturday, October 3, 2009

Keep Running

I am a runner. Or rather, I run three times a week. This is necessary. The French, if nothing else, love their food. Their food, loves you. While you will be hard pressed to find American quantities, the French have mastered the art of combining sugar and fat. Some call this desert.

You must get a medical exam to enter the country. In addition, most companies require you to get an exam on site.

The on site medical exam is much like the one to get into France. You give your vital statistics and talk about vaccinations and family history. Still not knowing as much French as to pass through a medical visit, this is interesting.

After your interview, you see a doctor. The doctor does normal doctor checks and continues with questions. Blood pressure, pulse, and breathing are all checked. If necessary, they will also give you an EKG. Apparently, for me, this is not necessary. My pulse rate was something near a zombie. Some may call this healthy; I call this a lack of caffeine. Low pulse rate equates to not needing an EKG.

But far be that from the only reason to run. Paris is an interesting city. While running, I have seen things from rainbows (pretty), to Canadian geese (a bit odd), to packs of gnomes (quite odd indeed).

Of course there are the statues, palaces, and parks to run near.

Running is a win. It is a way to see new things and a good way to stay in shape.

It also means you don’t have to skip dessert.

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