Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Grande Arche de la Défense

For those not in the know, Paris has a historical axis. Axis meaning in a line and historical meaning old stuff. Included in the official documentation is the Pyramid de Louvre, the Obelisk at Concorde, the L’Arc de Triomphe, and the Grande Arche de la Défense.

The grand arch sits on the west end of Paris in the largest business district in Europe. As such, the space demanded a rather large monument. The concept was an arch that was inviting and not a symbol of conquest.

Apparently a new concept in the world of arches.

You can go up to the top of this structure and enjoy the sights – the panoramic elevators are simultaneously wonderful and terrifying for anyone with a fear of heights.

And unfortunately, they are the best part of the monument.

Suffice is to say, “eh.” Some things had value, but mostly the grande arch is forgettable. The effort taken to build the monument is not continued in the presentation at the top. Taking in its view from inside Paris in the context of the skyscrapers of
La Défense is a much more poetic tribute than what is found inside.

My apologies, dear reader, but even though it looks pretty, best to save your 10 Euro.

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