Sunday, July 25, 2010

French Countryside

Auvergne is in central France.  This is, according to some sources, the official country.

“In France, people live on the coast, but not many in the center.”

When you live in a city, you forget how to relax.  The countryside offers a much slower pace, fresh air, and friendlier people with French you can actually understand.

Thus, the travel to it is well worth the reward.  You get time away from the city of lights.  You have much less noise, many more stars, and in an ultimate dosage of irony, much better smells.

One of my friends was kind enough to let too many Americans et al invade her home.  The respite was much needed.  Even though this was May, the weather was till cool and crisp there was still plenty of non-city entertainment: Badminton, longs hikes, old churches, good food, and maybe some wine.

In short a great time.

So a thank you (belated) to a good friend for hosting and showing us such a wonderful time.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010


When too much sleep has been had on the weekends, it is hard to justify more during the week.  Thus, squeaking in the wee hours at night, a new project is born.


Some other renovations may be planned, mostly minor.  By request, the font size will increase from small to normal.  Any post edited for pictures or whim will have this new feature.

Someday, someone may be coerced into redesigning the site if the appropriate funds appear to match the inevitably outrageous contract terms.

Until then, here is an artsy photo taken in the countryside:

First new and improved post here.

The Process

There has been some breaking of the normal weekend posting schedule.  Basically, between work, want of a social life, and relaxation (or laziness as we call it in the America), blogging time dissipates.

The unfortunate factor – time is a scare resource.

Idea phase

Finding the title you want to write about takes ideas – many, many ideas.  Most ideas land in a purgatorial file folder.  These include gems that are embarrassing, inappropriate, or embarrassingly inappropriate.

Inspiration phase

Once an idea makes the roster the writing begins.  If the idea shines, inspiration flows like Bruce Lee through a kung-fu academy.  If not, it’s more like the poor soul who must tidy the aftermath.

Selection phase

Some items are written and re-written only to remain on hard drive.  Timing is based off of one part what has become before and most parts what sounds good at the moment.

Edit phase

Edit. Re-edit.  Repeat.

A key to great writing is genius.  Good writing simply requires abundant editing.  A thesaurus does not hurt either.  Or a friend.

Posting phase

Finally, something for mom to stick on her refrigerator.  A piece of opinion and experience for sharing around the world.

Hope you like it.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Oui, Oui, le Fromage!

One of my friends here is sharing a similar experience.  Leaving the US and moving to this fine city called Paris.  

Part of this similarity is a blog.  Or, to be more accurate, the blog now comes to Paris.

But while the blog involves Paris, it is (mostly) about food.  So if you would like a much better critique of nourishment in Paris than this author could ever offer, go here.

Cameo found here.

Rice crispy treats found here.

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

As it turns out, quite a few Americans reside in Paris.  Enough, in fact, to take over a small corner of the Bois de Boulogne.

There are certain cultural requirements of America.  Celebrating the 4th is a favorite.  Something about earning a sunburn, grilling, and rice crispy treats hits home – or brings you back.

It’s lucky to have a group of us that organizes and executes such a great outing.  Even better when over a hundred show up and the weather is more than cooperative.  We even played the time-honored sport of kickball. 

Thank you for the effort.  It was well worth it and much appreciated.