Sunday, May 9, 2010

French Humor (Filler)

A man goes out with his friends to celebrate his birthday. The next morning he wakes up in his bed with a brutal hangover. On the nightstand, there is a glass of water and some aspirin. A fully cooked breakfast is awaiting him in bed.

The man gets up. He takes the aspirin and finishes the food. He gets out of bed and walks downstairs. There, he sees his son.

“What happened last night?” the man asks.

“You went out with your friends,” his son replies.

“And then what?”

“A taxi brought you home very late. You threw up on the grass. You couldn’t get yourself inside.”

“And then…?”

“Mom tried to help you get in the house.”

“Go on.”

“And then you said, ‘get your hands off me you filthy whore, I’m a married man!”

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