Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Beret

Everything has its cost. Flight to Paris, renting an apartment, visas, brand new suits, and yes, your last day at the office.

My coworkers are great. Only slight was the embarrassment, but all of it in good fun. Tacky, yet masterful, decoration of the cubicle, farewell complete with bread and cheese, pie (not cake, mind you), and items that they do not have in Paris, such as Oreos and peanut butter (who knew?). But there was one more item.

The beret.

This is no ordinary beret. This beret has white top, blue band, and red (orange-ish, clown-ish) puff ball. This beret is now the price of visiting.

Now, I will not make anyone wear said beret all the time. That would be mean.

I have heard of people taking pictures all over the world with various objects. Some friends of mine had a penguin, or as they called him, “el penguin”. I remember el penguin being lost, not sure how. Really, I was not there and it is best to move on from these things.

Just remember that penguins cannot fly (especially stuffed penguins).

At any rate, I think the new beret will be said object. So, the price of admission to either a stay in the heart of Paris or a tour guide that semi-speaks French: one beret photo. This is a small price, but I think it will be fun. Who knows, maybe I’ll forget it and “c’est la vie.”

Don’t get your hopes up.

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